4. Our Commitments
Lead with Love. It has been shown that the heart is extraordinarily
powerful when in a state of coherence within ourselves, and with the
hearts of others. To lead with love means shifting to a state of
coherence with ourselves and apparent 'others' to create connection,
rather than division. Empathy and understanding create a unified energy,
generating more opportunities and options than an intellectual
head-based approach.
We tap in to our
collective vision for humanity and focus on this. As love is the vital
force which brings our imagination to life, and we know that we assign
power and energy to wherever we put our attention, we deem it essential
to create the vision of the legacy we would love to generate for our
world, and give it all our attention.
embrace our true wise elder selves, serving each other to live from our
hearts. Women, in particular, have been taught to think we are 'less'
than men in our world. This is still very much in evidence. This
diminished sense of self is not valuable in our world today, for
ourselves, and for humanity as a whole.
explore the union of opposites, rising above polarity, knowing that all
division comes from within and ultimately that we are all One.
weave our wonderful wise hearts together, creating ripples of influence
around the world, and shifting the global culture to one of love.
generate abundance through which we serve others to create heart-based
businesses, projects and charitable enterprises which in turn serve
humanity in shifting the global culture to one of love.
record our wisdom, skills and stories to be a resource for posterity.
As languages have been lost, many of our skills and much of our
expertise could become lost (and even vestigial) with such an explosion
of AI. There may come a time when humanity forgets itself. Our records
may well become the life-line required to pull us back from the brink of
total disempowerment. Even now we can resurrect the 'old wives' tales',
discovering a surprising amount of value within them.
5. Our Call to Action
connect... create... and collaborate. To every woman over 50 from all
curves of the globe we’re here to remind you that you are a valid,
valuable and vital woman and, whether you know it or not, you have
wisdom worth sharing in our world today. If you would love to know and
experience that there is so much more to life, and far more to you, then
join us. Let us tap into our hearts together, creating ripples of
influence shifting the global culture to one of love. We are not alone.
Starting one ripple and one heart at a time...
6. Conclusion: Our Legacy, Our Future
stories, our experiences and our perspectives are essential for our
world. By choosing visibility as well as community, we are choosing to
be significant in shifting the global culture to one of love. Not only
are we rewriting the myth of the older woman, we are bringing the
feminine into balance with the masculine, altering the trajectory of
humankind from one where life has lost all meaning and value, to one
which surpasses any previous society.