he started to think about it just after christmas.
he really didn't know what to do! would his parents be upset? should he just carry on?
the worry of it was making him feel ill - that and the cold weather, the drafty window in his flat which made his room feel like an icebox, the workload, the debt.
eventually he thought maybe the best thing would be to talk to his parents. they were sympathetic, they told him it was his decision to make, but that any decision was better than no decision, to go away and think about it for a week or so.
he thought about it long and hard for about 3 days, then he went back to his parents. he told them he had made up his mind, and hoped they would support his decision. after 18 months of a 3 year course he was going to leave university, and hoped they wouldn't be upset.
his parents told him the most important thing for them above all else was his happiness.
we love you, alex.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Sunday, 28 March 2010
new look

this weekend joy has rediscovered her stash of knitting patterns, packed away in surrey in july 2008, and shoved into a spare bedroom cupboard on arrival in devizes. they are all fairly dated, as you can probably tell by some of the hairstyles. they will be sorted into packs of 10 or12 and listed in the joyknitt shop over the coming weeks.

below is the first batch of 10 which will be listed this evening

Wednesday, 24 March 2010
if you read any part of this blog, please pop into the comment section and say hello, it would be great to know how many of you are really reading. thankyou
what's being a phoenix trader all about then?

secondly its about value for money. all products are available only from independent traders, (click here to order or find out how to become a trader) who sell directly to their customers, no middleman, no retail premises, no horrendous mark-ups, just superb products reasonably priced and excellent customer service.
and thirdly its about teamwork. all traders are part of a huge support network, they are a friendly bunch, all helping each other whenever possible through upline contacts and a lively forum.

so there you have it, phoenix trading. a wonderful idea, a superb product, a huge team of traders and a great business opportunity. what more could you want?
Monday, 22 March 2010
sunny sunday

Thursday, 18 March 2010
A very special thankyou to sprinks and joolzkay for nominating me for the sunshine award
The sunshine award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blogging world.
The rules for accepting the award are as followers
- Place the logo within your blog or post
- Pass the award on to 12 bloggers
- Link the nominees within the post
- Let the nominees know they have received the award by commenting on their blog
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award
this is taking me rather a while, as there are so many wonderful blogs out there but the first four I have chosen are as follows:
1) niftyknits
2) moobaacluck
3) house of istria
4) lightwear jewelry
I shall try to pick another 4 later today, and then another 4 tomorrow, please watch this space. and a very big thankyou to all those whose blogs I follow and who follow me
joy x x
later, and here are my next 4 nominees
1) sandie
2) seven seas
3) hennie
4) lily whites
I may find time to pick the final 4 later today, but if not then tomorrow. right now I have to go out and dig.
friday morning now, and I have picked my final 4 nominations for the sunshine awards, they are
1) helen the beading lady
2) vintage beadery
3) made by val
and last, but by no means least, the person who has helped me the most since I started blogging, rachael of knitting snippets.
thanks all, keep up the good work, I love reading your blogs and getting to know you. I hope you enjoy reading mine.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
the link in my blog below to the donkey sanctuary doesn't seem to work, but the address, which you can cut and paste is http://drupal.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk/
not much to report

here are the final plans for the conversion of the outbuilding at the bottom of the garden, my area is the one marked "studio" on the right, and rog's area is the one on the left marked "study". we'll both end up with interesting shapes to work with, I'm really looking forward to it. still waiting for builders quotes - why do they take so long?

Thursday, 11 March 2010
birthday boy

you can read my "veg patch" blog on MISI (click on the highlighted area), I was chosen as guest blogger for this week. I've also been interviewed by the lovely ladies at "Creative Crafting" for the next edition, due to be published on 1st april - when it comes out I'll post a link.
Thursday, 4 March 2010

I am doing lots of coloured squares to make blankets, which I shall be giving away as christmas presents this year, so I'm not inclined to show them on here just yet, but here is a picture below of one very happy customer. she likes to sit on the spare stool which I have recently covered in black jumbo cord, and of course its only the white hairs that come off and attach themselves to the black cord, now when we need to use the stool for extra seating at the breakfast bar if either of the lads come home I can just remove her blanket and lo and behold the stool seat is hairless (we hope!)
if you get this far in my blog, please pop in to the comments section below and say hello, would love to know how many are reading my words, thanks.
well, the sun is shining, so now I'm off out to do some tidying in the garden.

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