there are a few highlighted words in this blog, click them for relevant links.
here are the final plans for the conversion of the outbuilding at the bottom of the garden, my area is the one marked "studio" on the right, and rog's area is the one on the left marked "study". we'll both end up with interesting shapes to work with, I'm really looking forward to it. still waiting for builders quotes - why do they take so long?

sorry to bore you with more pictures of cassie, I'm still practising my crochet, so have made her a couple of mats to lie on in her favourite places, our bed, above, entrance hall stool next to radiator below.

gerry is a wonderful sausage maker (a lovely man who makes great sausages). he comes to devizes market to sell his produce every week, I've been buying sausages from him for over a year now. rog is a real sausage roll fan and when he suggested I could try to make some by wrapping pastry around a sausage (ha ha), I asked
gerry if he could make me up a batch of sausage meat to our favourite recipe (pork and black pepper), which he did, and last night we had the most wonderful sausage rolls I have ever tasted. thanks gerry. please click on the highlighted gerry for a link to his website and if at all possible give his sausages a try, they are truly made in heaven (well hungerford, actually, but its close).

my friend rachael is a fabulous knitter, and if you visit her
fanpage you will see some lovely donkeys that she has knitted for the
donkey sanctuary. I have sent off for the pattern and am going to have a go myself when it arrives. in the mean time I've just bought some lovely yarn from ebay, and dashed up a quick square to see how it makes up, see below, although the colour hasn't come out quite right, its a bit more pinky than it appears in the photo, but I love it. (dont worry, I shant be using it for the donkeys!)

and finally, I had a lovely time yesterday afternoon pottering about in the garden, did lots of tidying up jobs and got everything ready to start sowing seeds for the hanging baskets later today, but first its off to the kitchen to make another batch of bread.
Well you've been busy Joy and the crocheting is coming along brilliantly. You don't look like a 'beginner'.
Thanks for the very kind mention and I hope your Donkeys 'appear' soon.
Builders...yes they do seem to take forever but even longer when you're so excited about something. Your plans look great...I can't wait to see it taking shape.
Sausages..one of my favourite foods BUT I am currently on the veg ones due to this enourmous spare tyre I carry around. Those sausgae rolls look Yummy!!
I have given up on the spare tyre, you'll have noticed (possibly) I haven't appeared on slimathon for a couple of weeks, I told mo that I was withdrawing, although I'll still pay up at the end, I have just decided I'm happy as I am, slimming at my age is just too much like hard work.
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