
Wednesday 24 March 2010


if you read any part of this blog, please pop into the comment section and say hello, it would be great to know how many of you are really reading. thankyou


Tracy said...

hi joy
just popped in to say hi and yes i'm reading i love catching up on everyones blog getting to know people better
take care

Lock Family said...

Hello! I'm here and reading!! I know I'm having the same issue with my blog at the moment, I was lying in bed last night wondering about putting a similar message out I think the majority of people like reading blogs but don't always want to comment so you're never sure there's actually anyone out there and sometimes wonder if it's worth the effort! Keep going, we're here....somewhere....

Jean said...

Morning Joy! I read your blog and have just passed the link to Nat at Harvey Craft Cards!
Happy Weekend x

joy said...

thanks jean, nat and I have been "talking" and she has done me a couple of drafts for the misi shops, just hope misi comes back soon.