alex is a student, therefore very hard up. last weekend he completely forgot it was mother's day, so this weekend he came home, and brought me some flowers, they are freesias and as close to blue, my favourite colour, as he could find. thankyou alex, they smell gorgeous.

this is my second spring in this house, I bought some crocuses in september, but for one reason or another, I forget now, they didn't get planted until after the very hard winter we had, so none of them have showed yet. however this little crocus has appeared in the front garden, it may have been there last year, I cant remember, but its at the front and I certainly didn't put it there. welcome little crocus.

the first daffodil to open this year is also at the front, I moved it there from the back last year, its just outside the lounge window and I can see it from where I sit at my desk. there are loads more almost ready to open and in a week or two my front garden will be a mass of yellow.

whoopee, yesterday I finished digging over my temporary vegetable patch. it has a load of homemade compost and lots of bedding compost from my old pots and hanging baskets from last year dug into the dark clay top surface and greensand which is about a foot down, so hopefully it will be a nice tasty mix for the vegetables. I've already planted the desiree potatoes that I saved, looking forward to eating them already.

this is a photographic cock-up (please excuse my french). the wiltshire air ambulance is based not too far from here in the grounds of the wiltshire police HQ. yesterday it was taking off as we walked past and I was concentrating so hard on focusing on the helicopter that I didn't even notice the fencing!
It's still not a bad shot of the helicopter though...we can see what it is alright.
Nice fence tho Joy!! We used to live at Park Fields before the helicopter days and we could walk across that field!
lovely fence, but a fundamental error for one who aspires to be a photographer, could do better!
I love freesia's, they are my favourite flowers! I should remind my husband about that, lol!
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