
Sunday 1 December 2013

Advent Calendar 2013

It's the first of December, and I'm joining in with Julie's (KC'sCourt) Advent Calendar for 2013. Here is my fist picture. It's an old one from the archives of 2011, my three wise men.

If you would like to join in, then please click the link above, or on my side bar.


KC'sCourt! said...

Lovely picture
Julie xxxxxx

Chrissy C said...

Lovely - wise eh?

joy said...

Indeed they are wise, Chris, all three of them.

Busy Little Chicken said...

Gosh, still remember this from the first time!! Show's how long I've been following you (in a non-stalky sort of way of course!!) : ) x
Still a lovely pic!

Unknown said...

The three wise monkeys ;) xx

Mum said...

Looks like they're going on a journey!
Love from Mum

Tracy said...

another year older and wiser too xxx