Hello, and welcome to September. Ever since my oldest son, who is now approaching 45 years old, started school, September has been the start of the year for me, and this year is no different.
2015 has, thus far, been one of the most difficult years I've had to face for a very long time. Several things, outside of my control but inside my sphere of activity, have happened which I don't wish to go into, but which have caused me a deal of pain and anguish and soul-searching. I have, since the middle of July, withdrawn myself from social activity of any sort and spent a lot of time asking "why?". Since the beginning of August I've also been in some physical discomfort due to what I was told by the surgery nurse was a pulled muscle. However, yesterday, while in a great deal of agony, I saw a doctor, who diagnosed arthritis in my hip, and initially prescribed painkillers and physio-therapy. Early this morning, two hours before it was time to get up, I took my first dose of the strong painkillers, and by the time I got out of bed I found that, although I could still feel a slight niggle, I was pain free, both physically, and more importantly, mentally. A lot of fog and uncertainty has cleared, and now I feel ready to move back into the outside world and re-engage.
So, to all of my friends, both real and virtual, who have been quietly supportive of me during my reclusion, I would like to say a big thank you, and to reassure you that over the next few weeks I'll be re-establishing contact. I don't intend to spend the rest of my life on painkillers, so I'll be making some significant lifestyle changes in order to ameleorate the effects of the arthritis, the main two being exercises to increase suppleness and dietary strictness with regards to my sugar intake (reduce) and omega 3 intake (increase). For the first few months of the year I had successfully shed 8 kilos of excess baggage, and if I am able to release another 5 kilos I'll be inside my target healthy weight range.
There is really nothing I can do to change the family circumstances which caused the initial and secondary hurts, except to accept things as they now are, continue to love and support all those family members who need it, and rebuild my own life accordingly.
Happy New Beginnings.