
Thursday 4 April 2019


Possibly the most emotional thing that I have ever been a part of. But, how to describe the emotion. An electrical charge? A chemical reaction? A physical change in body function? I don't know. All I know is that the emotion was far too strong for me to ever do it justice with words.

So, the meeting took place. It was carefully choreographed by both parties so that although we each had our partners for support, when we actually met for the first time we were alone together. We hugged, I cried, I think he did too. I had already seen a photograph of him on Facebook, in which he resembled my father, but when I saw him in the flesh he more resembled his own father. We spent 10 or 15 minutes together just walking through a quiet wooded area while he asked me a few questions, and then we joined our partners for a pub meal. It was that simple. And yet so profound.

And now we have the rest of our lives to rebuild the relationship that was shattered 53 years ago by my parents, who acted in accordance with "the way things are", and who could never have foreseen the heartbreak they caused us to live with all this time - me wondering if (hoping) he was loved and happy, and he thinking I'd given him away because I didn't want him.

I am proud to say he is my son, my oldest son. I never had a chance to be his mum, someone else was given that honour. But I have loved him, totally and unconditionally, for all that time. Only a tiny handful of people knew about him, initially my parents, my sister, my very best friend and the aunt and uncle that I stayed with, then later each of my husbands, two of his half-brothers and, more recently, one of my cousins. But now the whole world can know - and now I am completely fulfilled, happier than I have been since 1966.


Unknown said...

I am so thrilled and happy for you, Joy. Sending much love. Beverley T XXX

Sandie said...

I imagine the emotions are indescribable, Joy, with so many feelings and thoughts carried over the years. I’m so glad for you both. I hope you keep in touch and can slowly embrace into each other’s lives. Your family extends even further!

Dimensional Adventures said...

I don't know what to say - things that go to a deep, primal level are impossible to describe in mere lame words.

I was that child, the one left unwillingly behind. I was adopted by loving, well-meaning people, but I always yearned to find my biological mother. I only had one reason, one focus. I just wanted to tell her, "it's OK, I'm OK."

In my mid-60's I learned that while I was that yearning child, she was moving mountains to try to get me back to the point where she let the whole situation take her down a dark path and ruin her life. She had passed over by the time I learned of her.

So, from this side of the veil to her side of the veil, I only want to say, "It's OK. I'm OK." To you, I can say nothing other than I'm happy for you even though it feels as though my heart has just fallen out through my feet. For my whole life, I've been imagining what you/her were going through. Now you know that he's OK. What a blessing. What a blessing.

Hannah said...

Oh Joy this is just the most amazing and wonderful news! I am so pleased for you x

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

You have been so fortunate in finding him - not everyone who searches is so lucky, and the pain continues in our hearts, but hope enters now and then too. Enjoy your time together, enjoy what you've missed all those years.