
Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Week 8, filled with LOVE


I enjoyed a thoroughly LOVE-filled visit to my son DO, his wife JP, and GDs 1 and 3. It was short and sweet.

The day after my return, my first daffodil of the year opened up, looking LOVEly, but sadly a bit windblown,

so rather than leave it to be even more battered by the very strong winds, it's now showing itself off on my studio windowsill. I LOVE it.

I LOVE also that the crocuses are almost open, not long now

Monty has been with us for many years, he's now very happy in his majestic place half-way up the second staircase.

I recently met up with an old (as in time) friend, we haven't had a catch-up for a couple of years, or possibly more, so we had lots to talk about. We went to an absolutely LOVEly little teashop in one of Devizes's little passageways, it was almost like sitting in someone's front room, and their cheese scones were the best.


Five years ago I met up with this wonderful crowd in Glastonbury, Silver Sisters from the Silver Tent. It was a thoroughly LOVEly time. I LOVE you all, dear friends.

 I hope you have enjoyed a LOVE-filled week.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Week 7, off to see some LOVEd ones


My LOVELY GM swapped my old monitor for a new one, a wide screen, I LOVE it

It was a week when LOVE was at the forefront, Valentine's day 

Lyssa was asking about my calendar, it's a whole year one, this photo should explain how it works

I've sown a few seeds

Some tomato seedlings from an earlier sowing are already showing 

And now I'm off on an adventure, which I'll tell you about next time

I trust you've enjoyed a LOVE-filled week?

Friday, 14 February 2025

12 views February

Not a lot different really, although some of the spring bulbs are slightly taller.



Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Week 6, more LOVE


I LOVE  it when the daffodils start to open, a real sign that winter's almost gone. I don't have any of my own open yet, I spotted these while out walking.

I LOVE photography, and playing around with my camera. I LOVE that this setting makes Serena look like a toy.

I LOVE my yarden, and can't wait to get out there to start putting seeds and stuff in the mini-greenhouses (the second one is yet to be put together)

All the while that we had Cassie I was reluctant to encourage birds into the yarden, but now that she's been gone for a couple of years, and we don't appear to have too many visiting neighbourhood cats, I LOVE the idea of a couple of nesting boxes on the side of the garage, 43A and 43BEE, watch this space.

I had to go with GM for a tooth extraction, as he wouldn't be able to drive himself home after the anaesthetic. I waited in the car for most of the time, as it was too cold to go out walking. I was pleased to not be too far away from the Assembly point, should it be necessary.

First of all I thought this was one of the most amusing misspellings of our surname that I've ever seen, and then I realised it was his allergy tag!

As you are probably aware, I LOVE to have a jigsaw puzzle on the go, this is my latest completion, it was actually more difficult than I'd expected.


I get the majority of my exercise these days by walking, and I do LOVE to get out and about whenever I can, however the weather has been so dull, dreary and cold just lately that I've been walking about indoors. Rather than wearing the carpet out, I bought myself a new toy, she's called Tess.

How was your week? Full of things you LOVE, I hope.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Inviting a Global Culture of LOVE . . . . .

 . . . by sending out ripples of influence.

I'm part of an amazing group of women over the age of 50, called The Silver Tent. There are over 7000 of us, each one of us "A unique stitch in the cardigan of life", challenging the perception of the older woman. Click here to read all about us, and please contact me if you are a woman over 50 and would like to be invited to join us.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Week 5, LOVING that January is behind us


It's always great to start a new year, although January is often cold, and seems to last far longer than its actual 31 days. I completed my monthly Woodoku challenge,

however, the "Walk 1000 miles in 2025" did not get off to a great start, with a target of 85 miles for the 31 days, I fell a bit short (with plenty of year left, I'm not too upset)

Otherwise, I LOVE how the month progressed and ended, the blanket is halfway done, I had a reasonable charity shop haul, the suncatcher actually caught some sun, new pink accessories brightened up the bathroom, and the avocado tree is showing new growth.

 Our Ginger One had a birthday (he was born on the same day as my dad's birthday, 74 years later)

 And - this piece of paper in my purse promises to be an entry to an amazing amount of summer fun, starting in April, Watch This Space


Now that we're into February, I start thinking once more about the main LOVE of my life (after family, of course), the Yarden. This year, our 5th season at 43, I'm expecting wonders. Another WTS

How was your week?

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Hats, LOVE them or not?

I LOVE them. During the winter of 23/24 I bought quite a few, and wore them all. This year I seem to have worn my two favourites mostly.

Here are all the winter hats that I currently own, summer ones will come out when it warms up a bit.

How many hats do you have? And how often do you wear them.