
Friday, 3 January 2025


Are you female? Over 50? Post menopausal? Wondering what this life is all about?

I belong to a fabulous global group of women in this demograph, currently there are 7000 of us as a support group for each other under the umbrella of The Silver Tent.  The entry point to the Silver Tent is either through the Facebook Group or directly through the website. If you would like to join us please contact me or visit . For a bit of an idea of what we're all about, this is what our founder and leader, the gorgeous Francesca Cassini, says in our latest newsletter (please be aware this is quite a long read) :

Our first eight years are complete and now we are shifting up into an entirely new gear, where we create a powerful movement of women transforming the world around us. It is what we are here for. So please read on to be one of the first to learn what it is all about, and decide if you'd like to participate.


A movement creating ripples of influence
shifting the global culture to one of love.

We bring together women over 50, who know there must be more to life, who are curious to find their purpose as elders, or may already know it, who would love to contribute to weaving a web of wisdom, creating ripples of influence around the world to activate the hearts of at least a million women, and to shift the global culture to one of love.

How can we do this? 
By connecting with like-hearted women both in person and online, discovering our true selves and our innate authentic wisdom, breathing life back into our dreams and desires. And, for those ready to go that extra mile, creating a lasting legacy through writing your first book, hosting your first TV show, successfully completing your first speaking engagement, or creating a powerful community project with other wonderful women. 

Your participation supports our greatest goal - that of birthing the not-for-profit Silver Philanthropy to serve at least a million members in developing their heart-based ideas through funding, mentoring and volunteers.

Imagine creating these ripples of influence around the world... together! 
A movement worth joining?
1. Who We Are
Serving to shift the global culture to one of love, we are valid, valuable and vital; we are wild, wonderful and wise. We are women over 50 who know there is far more to life and to ourselves than we may have been led to believe. As we learn to reconnect and show up as our authentic selves, we dispel and rewrite the myth of the older woman. 

2. Our Vision
Rising above our polarities, our differences and divisions, we weave our wonderful wise hearts together, creating ripples of influence around the world to shift the global culture to one of love. Bringing the energies of feminine and masculine into balance within each one of us, allowing each to shine in their fullest potential, to be in a global society where each ‘life’ and expression of consciousness really matters. Love and connection replace fear, greed and uncertainty. We are an integral force of nature. When love is the prime motivating force, there is no more war, strife or famine. Our world is tended and nurtured so that humanity and all of nature thrive. Ultimately we understand that we are all one.

3. Our Core Beliefs
Women over 50 have so far been an untapped reservoir of wisdom which is vital in our world today. Our menopause journey can be a portal to deeper levels of wisdom, including the wisdom held in our DNA. We are a profound unexplored influential resource. 

When we talk of love we don’t mean the fluffy 'airy-fairy' love which can only tolerate the positive, but the kind of love which can, and will, explore the shadow to go beyond polarity to the 'union of opposites'. Only at this level of living can true freedom be experienced.
Love is the fundamental building block of life. We are love-based life forms more than carbon-based ones. We are learning that love is the vital force which brings our imagination to life. 

Life on this planet will only truly thrive when the essential energies of feminine and masculine are in balance. For centuries, the energy of the masculine has been the driving force, and we can see each day the danger inherent in this imbalance.

The very essence of Nature is designed to be collaborative - you can see this in how areas redevelop after a cataclysmic earthquake, when re-wilding is effectively brought to an area, and when cells work together inside the body to solve a problem.

We are not alone - we are all One, all inter-connected. Our deepest understanding of ourselves and our place in Nature is absolutely vital now. It is this understanding of 'unity' which is the keystone for humanity.
4. Our Commitments
We Lead with Love. It has been shown that the heart is extraordinarily powerful when in a state of coherence within ourselves, and with the hearts of others. To lead with love means shifting to a state of coherence with ourselves and apparent 'others' to create connection, rather than division. Empathy and understanding create a unified energy, generating more opportunities and options than an intellectual head-based approach.

We tap in to our collective vision for humanity and focus on this. As love is the vital force which brings our imagination to life, and we know that we assign power and energy to wherever we put our attention, we deem it essential to create the vision of the legacy we would love to generate for our world, and give it all our attention.

We embrace our true wise elder selves, serving each other to live from our hearts. Women, in particular, have been taught to think we are 'less' than men in our world. This is still very much in evidence. This diminished sense of self is not valuable in our world today, for ourselves, and for humanity as a whole. 

We explore the union of opposites, rising above polarity, knowing that all division comes from within and ultimately that we are all One. 

We weave our wonderful wise hearts together, creating ripples of influence around the world, and shifting the global culture to one of love.

We generate abundance through which we serve others to create heart-based businesses, projects and charitable enterprises which in turn serve humanity in shifting the global culture to one of love.

We record our wisdom, skills and stories to be a resource for posterity. As languages have been lost, many of our skills and much of our expertise could become lost (and even vestigial) with such an explosion of AI. There may come a time when humanity forgets itself. Our records may well become the life-line required to pull us back from the brink of total disempowerment. Even now we can resurrect the 'old wives' tales', discovering a surprising amount of value within them. 

5. Our Call to Action
Come... connect... create... and collaborate. To every woman over 50 from all curves of the globe we’re here to remind you that you are a valid, valuable and vital woman and, whether you know it or not, you have wisdom worth sharing in our world today. If you would love to know and experience that there is so much more to life, and far more to you, then join us. Let us tap into our hearts together, creating ripples of influence shifting the global culture to one of love. We are not alone. Starting one ripple and one heart at a time... 

6. Conclusion: Our Legacy, Our Future
Our stories, our experiences and our perspectives are essential for our world. By choosing visibility as well as community, we are choosing to be significant in shifting the global culture to one of love. Not only are we rewriting  the myth of the older woman, we are bringing the feminine into balance with the masculine, altering the trajectory of humankind from one where life has lost all meaning and value, to one which surpasses any previous society. 
Come and join us to connect... create... and collaborate.

1 comment:

Bless said...

That's interesting. Thank you for sharing the info.