Another week of mostly cold, dull, misty weather, with a little bit of sunshine thrown in. GM had a dental appointment in Devizes, so I went along for the ride, and enjoyed a few minutes walking around with my camera. We spent many a happy hour or more in the White Bear when we first moved to the Wildshire.
There is a tale involving the Crammer, and how the term Moonraker came about, which you can read here.
My lovely 10 year old Astra reached a significant point in her life
Tomato seedlings, sown earlier in the month, are peeking through
The annual joint Christmas jigsaw puzzle, the only one of the year that GM and I do together, is completed, and will now be boxed up and returned to the charity shop whence it came. It was quite a difficult one.
Our front border is definitely showing signs of things to come, one of the stones holding down the anti-cat-poo netting is looking very surprised.
GM is gathering materials for the kitchen job, he wanted a small piece of board, the only size he could get was rather too large. It was delivered while he was out, and stood in the entrance hall for 24 hours.
Sunday morning I felt the need to get out for a walk. It was a dull, grey misty morning, and the only bright thing to catch my eye was this family, also out for a walk.
Last season my fairly new wisteria was almost killed off by an invasion of snails eating all the tasty new shoots. This year I think they'll have a hard time, egg-shells and copper tape to the rescue.
Lots of daffodils and crocuses to look forward to soon.
How was your week?
Sounds like a really nice week. I love that surprised looking rock! My week was OK. Still a little stressful, but, the wildfires are being contained and I've not had to evacuate, yet.
Copper tape is amazing - it works wonders.
I love the pic of the White Bear. It looks lovely and cosy.
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