
Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Week 9, I LOVE that winter is now behind us for another year



Rounding off February with some statistics

February's target was 76.72 miles, I LOVE that I have made 1.64 miles impact on January's shortfall.

It has been a strange week, GO needed my assistance, as EG spent a couple of days in hospital, so I got to spend time with two of my favourite people, which I LOVED.

Not forgetting a well-LOVEd Stanley, their very laid-back cat.

Other LOVEly happenings include: 

the completion of a double-sided jigsaw puzzle, my curiosity got the better of me and I had to know what the picture on the reverse looked like (it's just an advert for the puzzle-maker).

the first showing of trailing petunia seedlings

some colour in the pots

and the first sign of new growth on one of the clematises

I do hope you have enjoyed a LOVE-filled week.

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