
Monday 27 May 2013

From where I'm sitting . . .

. . . this is what I see.

The table laid for al fresco lunch

washing drying on the line

the temporary raised vegetable beds

the chalet and coach-house (shed and bike store)

the side of the garden which is to be converted into permanent raised beds, and the view over the garden fence

the retaining wall, which is currently being worked on

the conservatory

tomato plants in pots, potato plants in a growbag and a miniature rose from Eileen which seriously needs repotting.

newly planted planters

Nigella, or Love in a Mist, soon to be in flower

spare chairs in case we have visitors

a climbing hydrangea

the wash basket

overhead, the wisteria about to burst into bloom

and over the fence, some white lilac in the neighbour's garden

and all without leaving my seat. Wasn't yesterday just a beautiful day?


Unknown said...

What wonderful sights you have around you, all from your chair in the sun. xx

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Great idea - shooting pictures of what surrounds you - and what fun pictures - thanks for sharing with us.

Mum said...

Thank you for the grand tour - what a good idea for a post.
Love from Mum

Unknown said...

Such a fab blog idea, Joy! A lot of pretty sights :) x

Chrissy C said...

Great idea - may have a go myself when the rain stops

Tracy said...

Great post joy as always and lovely to see more of your corner of the world xx