
Sunday 13 July 2014


When we lived in Surrey we were very lucky to have Jim and Diane living next door to us for several years - do you know I cant remember how many, but I know they left in 2002 to emigrate to New Zealand. I don't think they left because of us (but you never know). However, while they were with us they were great neighbours and we had lots of fun with them, and probably consumed vast quantities of alcohol with them too.

We were quite sad to see them go, but off they went to New Zealand to make a new life for themselves. Since they left we have spoken on the phone a couple of times and exchanged emails and Christmas cards. We weren't really expecting to see them again, but quite out of the blue a couple of weeks ago we had an email, they were in UK, and would be passing almost by our front door on their way from Devon back to London, could they pop in and see us? Well of course they could, why on earth not?

So last weekend they turned up, looking exactly as they had done 12 years ago! Diane had a very slight kiwi accent but apart from that they were just as we had known them, and it was as if it was only a month or so since we had last been together. Isn't that a sign of true friendship?

They'll be heading back to NZ in two weeks time and I guess it will be at least another 12 years before we see them again. Thanks for popping in, you two, and bon voyage (again).

Thursday 15 May 2014

Disruption at Daisy Row

As if May wasn't already busy enough, with birthdays galore, a wedding anniversary, a visit from a relative from USA, a 90th birthday party to help organise and a new baby due (who, thankfully, decided to surprise us all by arriving in late April), our faithful plumber decided that he could fit us in, and if a plumber tells you he can fit you in, you do NOT say no. So, on Monday morning promptly at 8 a.m. Baz and Dave arrived, to remove our old, inefficient boiler.

As the new boiler was destined to be fitted not in the kitchen but the utility room

a certain amount of disruption where new pipes were to be fitted was guaranteed. I had to vacate my studio for a while, and the carpet had to be pulled back to allow access under the floorboards

so the pipes could pass back to the airing cupboard, where the hot water tank was positioned.

Well, they were here for three days. The hot water tank, being surplus to requirements was removed,

as was the old boiler,

and the new boiler was fitted.

We had decided that it was not a good idea for Cassie to be around while all this work was going on, so she's had a nice little holiday in a luxury apartment in Clearwood Cattery (highly recommended) and will be back home this afternoon, after we've cleared all the dust.

Thanks Baz and Dave, a good job well done. Watch this space, next on the list of improvements is some work to make good the kitchen.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Look what I got!

Sandie makes books, you can read all about it on her blog itchifingers (she also does photography and various other crafts, a multi-talented lady). I was lucky enough to receive on of her lovely books as a birthday present, I love it . . . .

. . . . it already has pride of place in my current knitting bag. Thank you so much Sandie.

Monday 5 May 2014

5 on 5 for May

Linking up with Sandie at itchifingers.

I am a lucky bunny, today is my umptysixth birthday, so there has been no shortage of photo opportunities. I've managed to pick out my five favourite shots from what was, I have to admit, a slightly longer than five minute time slot.

1. Gifts from GO, who used some wrapping paper that he found (Phoenix, of course).

2. Some of my cards

3. From GT - how did he guess these are my favourite?

4. A lovely surprise for my birthday, our first runner bean shoot

5. We''ll be enjoying this with tea tonight

Sunday 4 May 2014

Views from my windows, May

From the bedroom window, the first time this week that the top of the hill hasn't been shrouded in mist.

From the front room window, the front garden is looking tidy, the tulips are finished.

From the kitchen window, wisteria on the pergola will be open in a few days

From the back door, jasmine will also be in flower soon

Another view of the wisteria and jasmine, from the studio

Plenty of green, but not much colour yet, in the garden.

Saturday 19 April 2014


We viewed this house in August 2011, and when I first saw the bathroom my immediate reaction was "that purple is gonna have to go". Well, we have now lived here for a week short of two years, and at long last . . .

Day 1. Before

Day 2. After a covering coat of white paint

Day 3. After the first coat of yellow paint

Please come back in a few days time to see the end result.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Happy Blogiversary to me

My blog is 4 years old today, both it and I have evolved somewhat since those early days in 2010. Reading a few of my very early posts reminds me of how much our lives have changed over the past four years - my early focus was very much towards my creativity with yarn, which has now faded into the background and hardly gets a mention.

My focus now is mostly on home, garden, photography, and the day job.

I'm wondering now what I'll be doing if I'm still here in 2018! Watch this space.