
Monday 29 April 2024


The weather has not been very spring-like, but work has started in the yarden, GM has erected a trellis on the side of the garage

 Our lovely GD5 is now 7 years old.

Over the Easter weekend GM and I visited the two youngest girls, GDs 7 and 8

Breakfasts are an essential start to any day.

Cousins love to play together

Tomato plants are started, and will stay in the Yarden room for at least another month

Large areas of the Avon Valley have been flooded several times during this spring


Towards the end of the month, and the clematis is in flower

I've made myself some trousers, size 14, yippee!


Our youngest GD is now one year old


How was your April?


Bless said...

Looks like you had a lovely month. My April has been good. I've enjoyed the flowers in my garden and I crocheted a lap blanket.

Between Me and You said...

Love those trousers. My tomato plants look similar. I was thinking of decanting them into larger pots? Trying to get my vintage sewing machine to work. Not having much luck.