
Friday, 31 January 2025

January (Wo)manifestations

January has been a wonderfully successful month of manifesting, without even really trying.

1. An early-bird reduced price season ticket for Bowood House.

2. Accommodation and a lift there and back for the Silverfest gathering in April.

3. A new penfriend.

4. A new (to me) blue denim skirt.

5. Two free books.

6.  A fun couple of hours at a soft-play centre with two of my GDs.

7. A trip to Tunbridge Wells next month

How was your January?

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Week 4, the LOVE continues


With just the two off us rattling around in a three storey house, it quite often happens that neither of us knows where the other is, and as also GM's hearing is fading, talking to each other could involve a lot of upping and downing of stairs. We overcome that problem by having an internal phone system, and as the old one was showing its age, GM decided it was time for a replacement. I LOVEd seeing all the new ones lined up on the coffee table as they charged.

We've had a real mix of weather over the week, and on one of the days we had sleet falling and a rainbow within minutes of each other. Who doesn't LOVE a rainbow?


GM and I braved the weather to walk across the park for a drink in Wetherspoons. On a cold day I LOVE nothing better than a glass of Guinness.

I have a new penfriend, a lady more or less the same age as me, who wants to swap gardening stories, hints, tips and anything garden related. As I also LOVE gardening, and LOVE sending and receiving letters, I'm looking forward to a long and happy penfriendship. Her first letter arrived recently.

If you've followed me for any time, you'll know how much I LOVE doing jigsaw puzzles, it seems an appropriate time of year to tackle this particular one.

I also LOVE cooking, and as GM requested a chicken and mushroom pie for tea, what's a gal to do for the LOVE of her life, other than make him a pie?

We LOVE where we live in Hilperton Marsh, just off Marsh Road. Those names might give you an idea of the geography of our locality. It's currently semi-rural, and there are plans to build more houses fairly close by - in this field!

One of the things I really LOVE about where we live is the availability of freshly laid free range eggs. This giant egg sits outside the farm shop, I don't think it's a real one.

How was your week?

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Week three. I LOVE my life


Another week of mostly cold, dull, misty weather, with a little bit of sunshine thrown in. GM had a dental appointment in Devizes, so I went along for the ride, and enjoyed a few minutes walking around with my camera. We spent many a happy hour or more in the White Bear when we first moved to the Wildshire.

There is a tale involving the Crammer, and how the term Moonraker came about, which you can read here.

My lovely 10 year old Astra reached a significant point in her life

Tomato seedlings, sown earlier in the month, are peeking through

The annual joint Christmas jigsaw puzzle, the only one of the year that GM and I do together, is completed, and will now be boxed up and returned to the charity shop whence it came. It was quite a difficult one.


Our front border is definitely showing signs of things to come, one of the stones holding down the anti-cat-poo netting is looking very surprised.


GM is gathering materials for the kitchen job, he wanted a small piece of board, the only size he could get was rather too large. It was delivered while he was out, and stood in the entrance hall for 24 hours.


Sunday morning I felt the need to get out for a walk. It was a dull, grey misty morning, and the only bright thing to catch my eye was this family, also out for a walk.

Last season my fairly new wisteria was almost killed off by an invasion of snails eating all the tasty new shoots. This year I think they'll have a hard time, egg-shells and copper tape to the rescue.

Lots of daffodils and crocuses to look forward to soon.

How was your week?

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Week 2, and spreading the LOVE


I'm taking part in a 30 day experience, "sending ripples of influence to shift the GLOBAL culture to one of LOVE", which started on Sunday. More on this in a separate post.

This week has been changeable weatherwise, starting off pretty cold, and ending slightly warmer, with some sunshine to enjoy in between.

It was a cold and sunny day when I took a walk through the farm and down to the (frozen) canal

As the sheep are closer to home than usual, it's possible that I'll see some of the new lambs this year. Watch this space.

I spent some time with some of the GDs 

There was progress with the jigsaw puzzle and the blanket

Over the past year we've been slowly working on kitchen improvements, GM is now preparing for the final job, which will happen in this area. Watch this space

Yesterday we took a walk across the town park, very quiet at this time of year


How was your week?

Monday, 13 January 2025

12 views, January

Twelve pictures, one each month of the year, showing the front of 43 (the Final Front Door)


Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Week one of life in the slightly slower lane, doing the things I LOVE


This year life will be slower, at the tender age of plentysixandthreequarters my body is definitely telling me to slow down, and I'm not going to argue. I shall just continue to do the things I love with less speed, and no urgency.

It's been a week of walking (slowly), locally and in town

and attempting to walk 3 miles each day, sometimes checking the pedometer at random times throws up some interesting numbers

Indoor pursuits

My old water filter jug was looking the worse for wear, so I treated myself to a new one

Last season I was late with planting my tomato seeds, I'm not making the same mistake this year

Our grandmother clock took exception to being moved, and refused to keep proper time. GM had a look inside to see if he could see a reason why, but he couldn't (and neither could I) so the "man who knows about clocks" will be asked to come and sort it for us.

Mostly the weather has been cold and wet, we had some snow on Friday night which was gone by Saturday morning thanks to overnight rain.

Sending LOVE to all my readers, thank you for taking the time to read my mutterings.