
Wednesday 29 August 2012

All change (part one)

Now that we've been here in our new home for a few months, and have got used to it, we've decided to make one or two changes to make it "ours". And yesterday the first of these changes was put into action.

While the kitchen is a lovely size, and having it opening directly into the dining room was very convenient, two things weren't quite to our liking. Firstly there simply wasn't enough cupboard and worktop space for all our needs in the kitchen, and secondly the dining room looked out onto the road at the front of the house. We decided that the snug, which opens out into the conservatory and then the garden, would be a much better room to use as a dining room, and if we closed off the kitchen there would be lots of space for more floor and wall units and even a breakfast bar.

So here is our newly built wall. Watch this space for further developments, the first being the fitting of the kitchen, the second the decorating of the snug to make a dining room, and the third (probably not to be undertaken until next year) to turn the old dining room into a sitting room.


Unknown said...

Looks like a good plan and a great start to it all. x

Chrissy C said...

Looks very interesting - will look forward to seeing it develop

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good plan!

Funny how putting in a wall makes more space, somehow.