
Thursday 29 November 2012

Wow, my 600th blog post!

Who'da thought way back in January 2010 that I'd be here, almost 3 years later, with 600 posts under my belt? 

This blogging lark is quite addictive. I started out by writing about my knitting and my family, but my love of photography and my recent relocation seem to have taken over and the knitting hardly features at all these days.

I've said before, but its well worth saying again, I've "met" some really lovely people in blogland, even been on to meet a couple in real-life - Tracy and Eileen - I've taken part in swaps, hosted and entered give-aways, commented on goodness knows how many other blogs, and now follow people all over the planet, from Buenos Aires to Queensland and most places in between.

I've had such an enjoyable time, I'm so looking forward to the next three years/600 posts.

I would like to say a very big Thank You to all my followers, I'm amazed that so many of you read my witterings! I sincerely hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.


Claudia Moser said...


chica said...

Parabéns e que venham muito s mais! beijos,chica

Ellie Foster said...

Dear Joy
Many congratulations and here's to the next 600 posts!
Best wishes

eileeninmd said...

Congrats on your 600th post! I am looking forward to a lot more. Have a wonderful day.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Congratulations on 600 posts! Looking forward to the next 600.

Patricia said...

Congratulations. I know what you mean about blogging friends. Everyone is so kind and they're always there for you when you're having an off day, but they're there again when everything's good. I love blogging.
Patricia x

Tracy said...

It's been lovely getting to know you both in blog land and in person too, I love the fact that friendships can be formed even though you may never meet, congratulations on writing 600 posts and here's to the next 600 xx

Raindrops and Daisies said...

600 post! Ww

Wll done to you!

I have only 147 and I thouht I was ood!!!!

Foive kyboad plase.