
Saturday 2 March 2013

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring . . .

. . . we hope, anyway.

The last few days have been interesting.

I have a new penfriend. Thanks to EvelynMay who arranged a penfriend swap last month, I am now writing to Karen of Me, My Camera, Eye. Karen and I already "know" each other, we are Facebook friends, AKCB members and mutual blog followers, but its going to be fun to actually write letters and find out more about each other - we've already made first contact via snail mail.

I received a signed copy of "The Star Pirate", written by Any Winfield, which I proof-read for Amy last year, its a story about a little girl called Ebony . . . .

but I'm not going to tell you any more, you'll have to buy it!

Progress in the dining room has been slow, GM covered the newly plastered walls with plaster primer, he fixed up a batten and curtain rail, and we took a trip to Swindon to buy the new flooring. The floor men are booked to come and fit the floor next Tuesday, then GM will fit and paint skirting boards, I'll hang wallpaper and curtains, and then it will be finished.

My Springtime/Easter swap package of goodies is ready and will go in the post on Monday, I'll show and tell once I know that my swap partner Jill has received it.

Yesterday, for the first time this year, I spent an hour in the garden. We have this rotary washing line which is placed on one side of the lawn, within wind-blowing distance of the border alongside the fence exactly where the previous occupants had planted a couple of rose plants, with the obvious consequence.

(just in case you are worried, this is only an old sheet that we use on the floor when I give GM his beard trim - not one of our decent bedsheets!). GM is not a fan of roses, having been savagely attacked by one as a small child, so its days were numbered anyway. Yesterday it breathed its final breathe and is now in small pieces in the green wheelie-bin. And I have a nice space in which to grow something else, I'm thinking maybe some hollyhocks and/or morning glory - watch this space.

Next weekend one of our family members has a birthday, and also it's Mother's Day, so it should be a fun weekend. Enjoy your week.


Raindrops and Daisies said...

You sound busy busy Joy.

Glad you found time to go out into the garden.

It is a beautiful sunny day here this morning. I hope that you have sunshine too.

The book sounds like a good read.

Happy weekend.


Tracy said...

Another busy week for you joy, I'm looking forward to receiving my snail mail through the post too! How nice to be able to put some washing out its still a bit too cold here for that!

MBags said...

You're all 'go', Joy! I have some roses planted years ago by other residents and they need to be put in the recycling. You have motivated me to get on with it.

Mmmm - proof reading sounds like a great thing to do. Do have special qualifications for that? I have an MA in TEFL and have written several school textbooks for South African schools. Any hope for me?

Good luck with the dining room. I'm not much good with redecorating so I'll just chop down the roses!

Best wishes,

joy said...

Thanks for your comments, ladies.
Margaret, I dont have any special proofreading qualifications apart from English O level (GCSE in todayspeak) and being pedantic. I love reading, and when I was in my late teens/early twenties I worked for my Dad's printing company where I did some proofreading and found I was pretty good at it. I simply cant enjoy reading something that has too many mistakes!!

Debbie said...

oh i bet it will feel great to get that dining room finished!! i don't like being "under construction", but it's a great time of year to do it and be done before spring gets here!!

Jean said...

I have a copy of the book too Joy. I bought it for the children of course! (Not really!)