
Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Week 4, the LOVE continues


With just the two off us rattling around in a three storey house, it quite often happens that neither of us knows where the other is, and as also GM's hearing is fading, talking to each other could involve a lot of upping and downing of stairs. We overcome that problem by having an internal phone system, and as the old one was showing its age, GM decided it was time for a replacement. I LOVEd seeing all the new ones lined up on the coffee table as they charged.

We've had a real mix of weather over the week, and on one of the days we had sleet falling and a rainbow within minutes of each other. Who doesn't LOVE a rainbow?


GM and I braved the weather to walk across the park for a drink in Wetherspoons. On a cold day I LOVE nothing better than a glass of Guinness.

I have a new penfriend, a lady more or less the same age as me, who wants to swap gardening stories, hints, tips and anything garden related. As I also LOVE gardening, and LOVE sending and receiving letters, I'm looking forward to a long and happy penfriendship. Her first letter arrived recently.

If you've followed me for any time, you'll know how much I LOVE doing jigsaw puzzles, it seems an appropriate time of year to tackle this particular one.

I also LOVE cooking, and as GM requested a chicken and mushroom pie for tea, what's a gal to do for the LOVE of her life, other than make him a pie?

We LOVE where we live in Hilperton Marsh, just off Marsh Road. Those names might give you an idea of the geography of our locality. It's currently semi-rural, and there are plans to build more houses fairly close by - in this field!

One of the things I really LOVE about where we live is the availability of freshly laid free range eggs. This giant egg sits outside the farm shop, I don't think it's a real one.

How was your week?


Lyssa Medana said...

If that was a real egg, I wouldn't like to meet the chicken on a dark night!

They're building on all sorts of crazy places and someone will buy in good faith and have no end of problems.

The weather is foul but you look like you had a wonderful time - and rainbows are awesome!

joy said...

Hi Lyssa, thank you for commenting. I have found your blog, but can't see how to "follow" you. Also I'm not able to leave a comment! That's a problem somewhere at my end, as I can't comment on anyone else's either.

Bless said...

Sounds like you've had a LOVEly week! I, too, LOVE a rainbow. :)