
Tuesday 8 May 2012

Bank Holiday Weekend

Sunday was dry - no rain at all!! So we took advantage of the conditions and spent some time in the garden, tidying up. I even put some washing out on the line. We have this lovely area of decking just outside the kitchen.

Rog gave the daisy field its first cut since we arrived, and we positioned the (inherited) compost bin.

. . . and I finished off the leftover-from-yesterday wine

Monday was wet, so it was back to the unpacking. Where on earth am I going to put this lot?

When can I go outside, Mum?


Emma@christmascupboard said...

Love your new garden Joy...and your new blog name, so fab! I look forward to following your progress too as you start growing some stuff in your raised beds x

Patricia said...

You look as though you're settling in well Joy. Your garden is looking good and bet you can't wait to put your stamp on it. Patricia

Lyn said...

it looks like a lovely garden, we got some gardening done on Sunday too!

Unknown said...

That looks like a lovely garden you have there, roll on the good weather for you to enjoy it. xx