
Tuesday 9 April 2013

Painful knee and . . .

. . . a touch of cystitis means I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment.

On Sunday morning I walked out to Lidl with my shopping trolley and as I crossed the road I missed my footing and instead of stepping up onto the pavement I ended up hitting it knee first, and then fell flat, just managing to avoid hitting my face on said pavement. Talk about feeling a bit stupid :-(

It wasn't until I got back home that I discovered my knee had been bleeding and I had a bright red spot on my light grey joggers, oh, the shame of it.

GM very kindly cleaned it up for me and put a large plaster on, and it's not so painful today. Quite co-incidentally, I learned on Sunday that there is a word for suffering knee pain, gonalgia.

At the same time I have had a touch of cystitis. This wretched condition comes and goes with me, I usually manage to keep it in check by drinking loads of water, but a day out last Thursday and a long road trip meant not many loo stops so I purposely drank less water, with the inevitable consequence.

And now, although its warming up slightly, it's raining, which means I've missed the opportunity to finish preparing my second raised bed - I only need about another hour or so - and the forecast is for rain as far as the eye can see :-(

Oh well, no point feeling sorry for myself, lots of indoor jobs to be done which dont involve too much knee bending, and I can stay close to the cold water tap.

And I have lots to look forward to, my new grandchild should be putting in an appearance within the next month or so, his/her father, my second son FO (the fair one) told me they are hoping for a Star Wars baby (May the 4th {be with you}).


Chrissy C said...

Oh bless, not a good start to the week. Hope you recover soon. Rain here also - but one good thing, not so cold or blowing a gale.

Unknown said...

Oh Joy so sorry to hear that hope you feel brighter soon. Love the star wars comment (star wars fan and May baby) excellent. xx

Shirley said...

Hope you're feeling better soon Joy x

Hannah said...

Hope you're feeling sorry much better soon Joy and the rain doesn't make such a constant appearance so you can get your beds done. x

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oh dear - hope the knee is much better very soon.

Eileen said...

Oh poor you ... hope you feel better soon. I love the Star Wars baby idea so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for the 4th. Take care of yourself. xx

MBags said...

Sorry you're not having a good week, Joy. You've probably been given this advice but it has helped me: a doctor told me to drink cranberry juice and I take cranberry tablets every day. I also use Sylk personal moisturiser and that, I think, has been the most effective preventative treatment. Your knee will get better but I know how cystitis can be an ongoing problem. Take care.

Patricia said...

Sorry to hear about your fall Joy and hope your knee heals soon. Cystitis is not good either but thankfully haven't suffered for years. I used to take Cranberry juice too. Have a good week.

Jill said...

I am so sorry about your fall and your knee pain! I do hope you continue a good healing path.