. . . breakfast, the most important meal of the day.
. . . before. We had to remove a carousel unit from our kitchen in order to access the gas pipe so we could install a gas hob. We decided then that we didn't want to put the carousel back, so instead Damien is going to fit us a shelf unit in this corner spot. Come back tomorrow to see it fitted.
. . . boxes of fruit and veg. Its market day in Devizes today.
. . . bins. Would you believe its also bin collection day in the town centre! Wouldn't you think it would make more sense to collect the bins the day after market day?
Lovely photo's Joy and Forget me nots are one of my fav's too x
Blue is my favourite colour too Joy and I see you enjoy a boiled egg too. Every Saturday, unless we have to be up and out somewhere is always boiled egg breakfast. Love it. Hardly anyone I know has a boiled egg anymore.
My dear hubbie is a "proper breakfast" man, he has cooked breakfasts 5 days out of 7, with a combination of any three of bacon, chipolatas, hash browns, waffles, baked beans, tinned or fresh tomatoes, mushrooms and egg. The other 2 days he has cereal, and sometimes cereal followed by boiled egg - as today. I, on the other hand, have cereal 5 days a week and either baked beans on toast or poached egg on toast the other 2, except every now and again a small bowl of cereal followed by boiled egg.
Breakfast for me is a mug of coffee. Can't be bothered with anything more when i'm leaving for work at 5am!
Carol x
We have a patch of brunnera (what OH calls 'posh' forget-me-nots!) at the bottom of the garden. They look fab!
(Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog, btw. Thinking of you. x)
Rosie. :) x
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