eleven kitchen utensils

ten socks astripy

nine knives for cutting

eight forks for prodding

seven spoons for slurping

six pies with mince in

five co-old things

four chinese spoons

three fresh rolls

two leather gloves

and a parsnip in a bare tree.

(With apologies to FB friends who have already seen this!)
Wishing a happy and fun-filled festive season to all my readers,
Joy x x x
never apologise for something as funny as this Joy makes me smile every time i see it!!!
made me smile xx
Oh that really made me giggle, love it! Thanks for being my latest follower, so glad you did or I would not have seen this!
Kandi x
Fantastic! That really cheered my cold-ridden self up!
That was brilliant Joy - you have such a fun sense of humour - made my day.
This is fun and cute! My first time seeing it.
LOL! This is brilliant! Thanks for linking up to Oldies but Goodies :)
This is brilliant! My favourite is the parsnip in a bare tree :) (hopping over from Oldies but Goodies)
Love it, especially the parsnip in a bare tree :-)
A fun idea :)
Ha ha, that is HILARIOUS!!
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