
Thursday 6 December 2012

Temporary beds

I really want (need) some raised beds in the garden (so that I dont have to bend as much to do the weeding, sowing, harvesting), and the long term plan is to build some nice chunky beds using railway sleeper-type wooden surrounds. The long term plan is, however, just what is says on the box, a long term plan, therefore a short term temporary plan was also needed. In order to leave the sunnier side of the garden free to work on the long term plan, Rog has erected a couple of wooden structures and placed them on the less sunny side of the garden so I can grow some stuff next season.

Having put them in position he passed them over to me, and this week I've made a start on the first one, removing the top turfs, double digging the next 30cm or so of soil and removing a fair amount of rubble in the process, placing the turfs upside-down and covering them with the double dug soil. Its quite heavy work, especially as the soil is so heavy with the amounts of rain we've had this year, so I'm only tackling a little bit at a time.

This is what I've done so far, and I'm just hoping that I'll be able to do a little bit each day for most days over the winter months and have them ready for the start of next year's growing season.

It has been good fun to become re-aquainted with my wellies, which have been hiding in a box in the garage since we moved in April. Hello wellies.

As I mentioned, this is the less sunny side of the garden, and as you can see in the first picture, there is an overhanging evergreen in the garden next door, but there should be enough morning sunshine to make it all work. Roll on spring.


Ellie Foster said...

Dear Joy
I really enjoy planning what I'm going to grow for next year. The planning is half the fun. Roll on Spring indeed!
Best wishes

Trudy said...

Love those smiley faces on your wellies : -)