Back in January I signed up to join The Blanket Square swap, organised by Lynda at
Hookin with Laa Laa. On Friday I received my first squares and today I am posting off the first five of my own. As there are 15 of us in the swap, its going to be an exciting few weeks as the various squares turn up. Squares can be knitted or crocheted, 6" or 12", I have crocheted mine, these are the ones going in the post today, very plain granny squares, I'm afraid.

In contrast look at the lovely squares I have received from PJ at
the Snail Garden
They are gorgeous she is really clever. I can't wait to have a big pile of them all and make them into something, it's gonna be my snuggly blanket for watching the TV at night.
Kandi x
They look gorgeous, so wish I could crochet. x
Got my square today from you, sooo pretty, am loving the idea. Must take pics as they arrive like you have done x
Oohh thank you very much, my square arrived today! I am much less organised than you I'm afraid but I hope to get yours to you soon.
Kandi x
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