289. Met up with the two older boys, their partners and the grandchildren for a fabulous meal here

290. My lovely friend Amanda drove up from Sussex to see us, she gave Marissa this headband

291. Didn't fancy driving round the M25 to Essex for lunch with Mum and Sis, so I took the train

292. Grandsons doing a duet on the Kinnect(?)

293. Moby, the flying Jack Russell

294. Amanda gave me an orchid, isn't it just lovely.

295. Back home in Devizes, and its a long time since someone has called me ducks.

. . . and just to let you know that I have disabled the word verification for comments, so please, please say hello so I know you are out there reading this x x
What a brilliant time Joy. Your grandchild is so gorgeous. Can't remember the last time I went on a train - a novelty nowadays.
what a great set of photos, I love the pretty headbands and how funny the roadwork sign saying ducks! :) x
Ducks is the name of the shop, but when I was little there was a saying "love-a-ducks" which was shortened to "ducks" and I was often called that.
oh that's quite a disappointment that "ducks" is the shopname! Mind you in these days of political correctness you'd probably be shot for calling someone duck.
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