
Wednesday 27 June 2012

A Kitten Called Betty . . .

. . . is the rather unusual name of another monthly photographic challenge in which I participate. It's a group of photographers, one or two professional but mostly keen amateurs, on Facebook - if you are on FB and would like to join in just "friend" me or leave a comment after this post, and I'll ask for an invitation to be sent to you. Sometimes the subjects are general, sometimes they are specific, but the point of the group is to have fun, whether taking the photos or just viewing those taken by others.

This month we had a different subject for each day, and rather than show the whole 30 in one go, I'll just put up the first ten for a start.

The subjects are: 1) Red, white and blue, 2) A crown, 3) A flag, 4) A wave, 
5) Something huge, 6) Candid, 7) Shoes, 8) Words, 9) Bubbles, 10) Work,
and here are my entries


Busy Little Chicken said...

I've found it hard to keep up this month, yet again!!! Love to look at everyone else's pics though!! These are lovely Joy..:)

Unknown said...

What a lovely selection of photos, love those sandals - guess I am a bit old for them now :( x
I would like to have a look at the challenge if you could send me an invite please. x

joy said...

Thanks, girls.
Done, Karen, just waiting for admin approval.