
Saturday 30 June 2012

Progress this week

Dining room, which had three cream walls and one wall with some very dark patterned wallpaper, now has four cream walls

 Old defunct dishwasher removed from kitchen, new dishwasher installed and ready to roll

Made a start on weeding and demossing the brickwork paths outside the back of the house

and had time for some relaxation, too.


Tracy said...

The house looks like its coming along nicely Joy and i can't wait to see what the quilt looks like!

Unknown said...

You have been very productive and it is all looking good. x

Raindrops and Daisies said...

It all looks lovely
bright and fresh.
I love the 4 cream walls
and you did a great job weeding.

Glad that you had some relaxation time for yourself too.

Enjoy your weekend


Anonymous said...

All looking good, Joy! Well done.

The top photo (of your husband and son in the dining room)reminds me of an Edward Hopper painting with the lighting the way it is.

Chrissy C said...

Busy busy busy

Heather Leavers said...

you're really getting on well!

Half Acre Wilderness said...

I love seeing the progress your are making on your dining room. Remodeling is so much fun!