85/365 A random shot of the buddlleia
86/365 Now kids, you must make sure you wash behind your ears
87/365 Paid a visit here, OUCH
88/365 My previous blog is all about this gorgeous chap, who came home for a bit of TLC
89/365 We received an offer on our house, which was increased enough for us to accept, we viewed this house and made an offer, which was accepted after a slight increase, so now we are in a sale chain - these few words can, in no way, convey the fraughtness of the day, but the outcome was the right one.
90/365 Finished this baby blanket, and its about to go on sale in my Folksy shop
91/365 A random shot of a cosmos in my garden
Hope it all works out well for you Joy - house moving must be at the top of one of the most stressful life events - fingers crossed it turns out smoothly for you both
good luck on the moving front - fingers crossed everything goes smoothly
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