This morning may have been grey, but yesterday's sunrise was quite something. Thanks to Oli staying awake all night and starting to sing along to the music he was listening to through his headphones at 5am I had quite an early start, and when I got up to make the tea this is what I saw. I love sunrises, but for a couple of months in the middle of the year they seem to come a bit too early for me to catch, so thanks Oli for this one.

As I've already mentioned on a few occasions I'm a real fan of the macro button on my camera, and waste lots of my time taking close-ups of all sorts of things. This was a leaf on one of my lilac plants last evening after I had watered it, I tried to catch a reflection of the sinking sun, but not quite sure that I got it. Oh well, better luck next time.

This last shot is one of the entries in my end of course submission, its called "Happy Accident", I was really taking a shot of the hydrangea but I spotted the fly on the leaf, and managed to get it before it flew away. I guess I could have cropped it a bit closer to show just the fly, but I thought the hydrangea looked really good so I left it in frame.

Just goes to show that you dont have to go far to see Mother Nature at work.
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