I've been taking part in a Summer Photographic Challenge, set by Tracy of
Madaboutbags. She gives us a different subject each week to interpret however we like, and post our shots onto our facebook page. This week the subject is GRAFFITI and I knew as soon as I saw it that it would be a struggle for me to find anything much. Devizes is one of those places that just doesn't "do" graffiti. I walked out this morning to the market, going through backstreets and carparks and all the sorts of places you expect to see it, and these are the only examples I could come up with.

If any of my local friends and readers can come up with suggestions as to where I might find other examples, please post in the comment box, thanks.
how lovely joy that you live in an area where they don't "do" graffiti, although it does make this week a bit more challenging!!!
It's a good thing that you can't find any graffiti. Personally I can't stand to see it. When we drove through parts of France last month I couldn't stop commenting on the amount they had all over the place.
I do hope you can 'find some' for your challenge though.
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