
Saturday 24 July 2010

83/365 Good luck to Angie and Nicky

Many moons ago (well it seems like it) I used to work part-time as one of a group of science technicians at the local High School. I thoroughly enjoyed the job, and as a group of girls working together we all got on remarkably well, meeting up regularly out of school for girly nights out. The dynamics of the group have changed little over the years, one or two faces have been and gone and a couple of new faces have appeared, but on the whole the core of the group has remained intact. Now after 6 years as Head Technician, Angie (second from right) is moving on and Nicky (centre) has been promoted and is taking her place in September.
My best wishes go to Angie and her husband Andy, who are moving away to deepest Suffolk, and I wish the best of luck to Nicky in her new role, I'm sure you'll make a great Head Techie Nicky, and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it at our next meet-up.
Watch out all you science teachers, you dont know whats going to hit you!

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