Now, as a buyer, I like to have my giftwrap rolled, but as a seller with a large stock I find its easier to store and less vulnerable to damage if its folded. So in order to please all camps I currently have both!

Please leave a comment below with your personal preference so I can get a feel for the best way to store my stock. Thank you.
It's rolled for me. I hate the messy creases on otherwise lovingly wrapped pressies :-)
I hate carrying rolls home on the train though, and have nearly taken a few eyes out with them at Christmas time! I wonder if there's another way...
i like them folded
yes, nim, there is another way. buy from me and the postman will deliver.
christmas rollwrap available next month!
folded for me.. I find it easier to handle
I used to work in an 'upmarket' card & gift store. Almost every customer who bought single gift wrap sheets asked for it rolled. We would then roll it up with tissue paper around it so it wouldn't get damaged.
You'd be surprised how many people really cared for their one sheet of wrap! :)
Rolled,but surely your gift tags will be battered if you store them hanging from the roll?
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