Twice now I have been approached by companies requesting that I do an unbiased review of their product in exchange for their product free of charge. In the second instance it was a "systems admin" package, and as I think I may have mentioned before I am married to the world's best systems admin man, so a free admin package is useless to me. But it leads to a wider issue. I started my blog as a sort of online diary, where I could post my own thoughts and ideas, share my craft work, home improvements, garden, etc. etc., and I like to think that any recommendations and reviews I may choose to make are about people and products that I have freely chosen, used and enjoyed. And I want to keep it that way. So please, if you read my blog, be aware that I will not accept any unsolicited goods for review.
The final stage in the renovations of the outbuilding are now in hand, the ducting for the telephone and ethernet cables is being laid down one side of the garden, and is proving to be a more difficult job than first envisaged, due to the varying thickness and width of the concrete "path" beside the fence. But we are getting there, slowly but surely.

The reviews thing is quite a minefield I think. From the other side: I was featured on someone's blog a while back, went over to say thank you and discovered a long disclaimer at the bottom of the page about how they do reviews for payment. I wondered if I should ask for my feature to be removed, in case anyone thought I'd had to pay for it?
I bet you are getting quite excited about moving all your bits and pieces in. How lovely to have your very own space.
Oh, I feel a bit guilty now, but I am sort of hoping that once my blog gets better I might get some lovely gadgets or ingredients to try!
thats fine for you, nim, if anyone asks me to review kitchen stuff I'll pass them on to you. I just dont want to go that route myself.
Bet your 'friendly' neighbour is itching to know what's going on just the other side of the fence LOL.
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