
Saturday 4 December 2010

213/365 New Years Resolutions

Yea, yea, I know its only 4th December, but I like to plan ahead!!
Last May I set myself the task of doing a 365 blog, that is to blog every day for a whole year, now that couldn't quite work out because every now and again I'm away from my PC jaunting off to see various family members and then never quite remembering how many blogs I need to do to catch up, and then I sometimes blog twice a day because I have extra things I want to say, so I'm not really sure where I am with my current blogging 365!
So, what I intend to do is to start afresh on January 1st 2011, but with a difference. Firstly I am going to start a new blog, which will just be for my Folksy listings, I'll let you know when its started, and I hope you will all also follow me on there. This blog, Joyknitt, will be dedicated to following my progress through Photoshop Elements 8. I was given a copy with my OU course back in May, and it is such a powerful piece of software with so much in it, I thought the only way I'm going to learn how to use it is to use it - if you see what I mean. My friend NIFTY mentioned a manual, so I forked out £17.00 at Amazon and bought "Photoshop Elements 8, the Missing Manual - the book that should have been in the box" with over 600 pages of stuff you can do on this application. Each one of my photos displayed from January 1st onwards will have some sort of manipulation from this software, even if its just a simple crop, or horizon straightening, and I hope by the end of the year to have mastered everything in the book! I hope you will follow my progress and be interested in the results of my continued learning in this wonderful world of photography, with many special thanks for the inspiration from JANICE and GLEN, and all you other wonderful amateur photographers out there, especially those of you in the monthly challenge.


Emma@christmascupboard said...

I also have photoshop elements but I have version 7. Its Fab...I couldnt be without it! You tube is great for tutorials...Lots on there! xxx

joy said...

thanks for the tip, emma, I'll take a look, although I seem to learn better from books. I had some video tutorials with the course, but they went too quickly for me to follow so I was having to watch them through 3 or 4 times each to even begin to understand where to click! in the book the pictures are STILL and I can see where the cursor is meant to go, :-)

Heather Leavers said...

LOL that took me by surprise! I am really looking forward to reading your posts. I keep meaning to work methodically through the manual, but I'm just not like that. I know there is so much more I *could* be doing with photoshop elements, but I love what I've learnt so far.