
Saturday 18 December 2010

231/365 Stripy socks and other things

I have lots of pairs of stripy, over-the-knee socks that I wear under joggers at this time of the year, here's my pink pair

Yesterday I unpacked my Phoenix delivery of new January release stock, there are some really beautiful cards, and these are still available to purchase at the pre-increase prices, please have a look at, and order from, my Phoenix website (click on NEW to see the full range of new release products)

All phoenix products arrive double wrapped in bubble-wrap, I reuse some of it if I send stuff out in the post, but the rest gets saved "for a rainy day". As it doesn't rain that much in my studio I am accumulating bubble wrap at an alarming rate, and I'll soon be drowning in it. If anyone would like some, or knows someone who could use it, please leave a message in my comments box, or email me direct.

Last week I bought some new plastic see-through boxes for my yarns, which fit beautifully on my lovely new shelves. See if you can guess my favourite colour.

Starlings were fighting for a place on my bird feeder, here is the victor


Anonymous said...

I just LOVE stripey socks and am wearing some now!

Happy Christmas!

joy said...

yes, dancing, I remember reading the same on your blog.