
Monday 20 December 2010

233/365 Why we celebrate "christmas"

Actually, we dont celebrate christmas in our house, we have instead what we call a post mid-winter solstice celebration, reason being we aren't christians and we have no religious affiliations whatsoever.
But we do send cards to our friends and family with seasonal good wishes, we exchange gifts with our nearest and dearest, we decorate a tree (albeit an artificial symbolic tree) and we enjoy a feast on 25th December. The big event for us actually starts tomorrow, which is the shortest day of the year.
You can read all about the winter solstice here, and about the significance of age-old traditions here.
So I am now taking a short break from blogging, and wishing all my friends and followers a very happy and enjoyable post mid-winter solstice festive season, and a Happy New Year.


Emma@christmascupboard said...

I'm not at all religious. I was raised a mormon but from a young age have swayed more towards the 'old ways'. I have always had a huge interest in paganism and the wiccan religion...not to practise I just feel more drawn to it than any other religion.
Enjoy your Yule time festivities Joy...Much Love to you & yours xxx

Shoogly Beads said...

Living in the frozen North gives the Winter Solstice great meaning for us....we'll soon have longer days and more sunshine! My family used to celebrate Hogmany as the main Winter festival but since the 50s they swung more to Christmas. Have a lovely cosy time whatever you do.