
Saturday 13 October 2012

28 Day Meditation Challenge

Back in January of this year, while we were in the midst of a very frustrating house sale/purchase, one of my Facebook friends, Clare Josa, who is an author, NLP trainer and meditation teacher, offered an opportunity to her friends/followers to be guinea pigs for a new project, an online 28 day Meditation Challenge. As, at the time, things were fairly static and the house move seemed to be no more certain to take place than "at some future time", I signed up. The challenge took place during the month of February, and consisted of daily motivational emails and a weekly downloadable 10 minute audio.

I participated on most of the days, probably 23 or 24 - I went away for a few days when I had no access to my PC - and by the end of the month I was well into a daily dose of meditation and feeling fairly chilled, despite the frustrations going on around me. As, at this time, the whole challenge was purely experimental,  participants were asked for feedback, and the overall consensus was that it had been a really positive experience, and in some instances, life-changing.

Clare was anxious to share the experience with a much larger audience, and set about creating a book for publication, and I was delighted when she accepted my offer to proof-read it for her.

I have just heard that the book is now available as an e-book for Kindle readers, and will be available as a "real" (i.e. physical) book very soon. Links to both of these can be found by visiting Clare's own website here.

This is my very first full-scale publication as a proof-reader, so I am, naturally, chuffed to bits. If you buy the book and come across any mistakes, I'd be grateful if you would let me know, after all, no-one is perfect - I'm just a teensy bit pedantic about spelling and punctuation, which comes of being a child of the 50s!

When I said "if" you buy the book, what I really meant is "when" you buy the book, as buy it you must, for the sake of your own sanity.

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