
Saturday 6 October 2012

I need a plan . .

Last time I was blogging every day (back in 2010) I wrote diary-like entries, never giving any fore-thought to my posts, but just doing it on a day-by-day basis, taking photos and writing about them with no particular coherence to the posts.

Now though, having entered Blogtoberfest, I'm already thinking about how I can write a whole 31 posts and keep it (vaguely) interesting - hence the title.

I read in another post (sorry, whoever it was, I dont remember) that the lady in question wrote all sorts of charts and had photos, and posted them up on her dining room wall so that she knew what she would be doing each day. Now I'm not that organised, so instead I got Rog to print me off a separate copy of our current calendar.

Thus armed with a cuppa and a couple of digestives, I took my "plan" into the conservatory and filled in all the "knowns" - now I just need to fill in the gaps. Any ideas?


Claudia Moser said...

Write what you feel!

Unknown said...

A perfect opportunity to do something you've always wanted to do I'd say Joy. Several day trips need planning perhaps... a few daily draws maybe;) Trying a new food or fancy recipe ...Making something you never have before. Photos at dusk, early in the morning... um...
book reviews! Hope something there inspires you x Gabs

Elaine said...

Since you are (relatively) new to your house/area ..... how about visiting different places in your area and doing a 'touristy report' on them :)

It's always interesting reading about someone's neighbourhood and ..... you never know ... you might discover something new to you as well :)

Eileen said...

How about sharing some more of your recipes with us?

Bron said...

I am not a planner either.. I think that the ideas that. Come daily with photos are often the best. The Calender is a good planning tool though.