I'm a Phoenix trader, which means I am surrounded by the most lovely stationery you could imagine.
Yesterday I started off by stamping up a box of brochures and Christmas supplements with my details.

Then a parcel arrived

and this is what it contained

a few packs of Christmas cards

October release of new products supplements

some advent calendars and Christmas rollwrap

some everyday cards

freepost cards

and the newly released cards.

Here are some orders which are now ready for packing and delivering.

Here's yours Mo, to be completed with my next delivery.

Lastly I sat on my posture stool and stamped all the supplements with my details, ready to be sent out later today.

I've been involved with Phoenix for almost 5 years now, and I love it. Its called direct selling, but its not really selling, there's no pressure and the quality of the cards and other stuff is so good it just sells itself, what a fabulously easy way to supplement my rather meagre state pension so I can contribute to family finances. Have a look at the Phoenix website, and please contact me if you like the look of the cards and fancy a brochure to browse through.
Hello Joy, am quite jealous of you being surrounded by all that paper/cards etc!! Looks like a great job!! Off now to browse the site......
I though your stationery was something you did by youself. I never actually realised you were a trader for phoenix. I've always been dubious about these companies that want money for start up costs but you seam to enjoy it and it looks like you are getting plenty of orders. I've had a quick look at your site but will have a better look this evening. It does seam very good and looks like the quality of the items is good too.ce
Carol, I wouldn't normally want to be involved in direct selling, but I just fell in love with the Phoenix range when someone gave me a brochure. The start-up cost is minimal, and as a company to work alongside, Phoenix are brilliant, and very ethical. As there is no retail mark-up the cards are extremely good value for money, being high quality and so much fun as well. I love my "job" and there are no sales targets to meet and no pressure, I just do as little or as much as I feel like doing.
It all looks lovely. I can see why you needed so much space to work in though, that lot would take over my small but perfectly formed bungalow.
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