I have altered all my Joyknitt shops so that any profit on sold items will be donated to WAAA.
I have decided that 10% of all Phoenix sales starting from 1st October will be donated to WAAA.
I have applied for an account with www.cashforcartridges.co.uk so that any of you who have old printer cartridges can recycle them to a FREEPOST address, which I shall post up here and on my Facebook profile as soon as I receive it, they will then pay a donation to WAAA for all cartridges received.
I have sorted out a pile of unwanted items which I am going to drop in at the WAAA shop in Devizes this morning.
AND yesterday I picked yet another couple of servings of runner beans, and dug up my small harvest of parsnips - I haven't grown parsnips before but I love them roasted so I'm really looking forward to trying them.
I think this one looks a bit like a spooky face, do you?

brilliant veg, seems a shame to cut the limbs off that one to peel it lol but bet it will taste good :)
Parsnips make a lovely home made wine. My husband and I are just about to start another batch since we're getting close to finishing the 12 bottles we made last year.
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